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Chet Remembered

Enrico Pieranunzi | Bert Joris | Frankfurt Radio Big Band

Chet Remembered

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917355529
Catnr: CR 73555
Release date: 02 June 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73555
Release date
02 June 2023

"... An appropriate, grandiose bow."

Jazzthing, 24-5-2023

About the album

This CD has a very special meaning for me. Remembering Chet takes me back to 1979 when I first met him. That meeting would soon prove to be a turning point in my musical life. Playing together, sharing concerts or recording sessions with him allowed me to be in close contact with an artist of rare jazz experience who caused an enormous change in my playing. Many of the tunes on this CD come from those important years of collaboration. Among them are Soft Journey, Fairy Flowers and Brown Cat Dance, which I composed expressly for Chet and which, like Night bird, are included in “Soft Journey”, recorded at the end of 1979, just after our first meeting. The opening track, From E. to C., as the title clearly suggests, is a dedication to Chet and also dates to our first period of collaboration, whereas Echoes was recorded later in 1987, as a part of “Silence,” a CD under Charlie Haden’s name.

There is, however, much else that deserves to be highlighted on this CD. For instance, the fact that “Chet Remembered” was conceived and realized in tandem with Bert Joris, a wonderful trumpet player in whose playing there are clear traces of Chet’s style, reworked in a very personal way. I can say that, although we play different instruments, Chet’s influence has determined a sort of stylistic “brotherhood” in our approach to improvisation, an affinity that is one of the distinctive elements of this CD. The dual role that Bert plays on this CD also deserves to be emphasised. Along with Bert Joris as a great trumpet player, Bert Joris also in fact appears here as an outstanding arranger. His ability to work with the melodic cells of the pieces, making them the basis of unpredictable melodic-rhythmic developments, is fantastic. And I find his ability to take full advantage of the palette of colors offered by the big band very impressive. Among the countless, excellent examples of his latter quality I would like to highlight here the harmonisation and orchestration of the solo on Soft Journey, which Chet improvised on the 1979 album of the same name (track 4, between 2’03” and 3’43”). A typical, wonderfully melodic Chet solo that I personally transcribed a few hours after Chet had improvised and recorded it. After so many years, it is so nice to listen to this solo here in the lush, refined big band version set up by Bert. Definitely a fine way to remember and honour Chet’s improvisational mastery.

Of course, this tribute to our mutual mentor could not have been accomplished in such an original and effective way without the contribution of the magnificent HR Big Band and its musicians, to all of whom I’d like to address my sincerest thanks. The days spent with them in the Frankfurt studios while recording this CD were most enjoyable and full of exciting musical moments.

A final special thanks to Challenge for enthusiastically accepting the release of this project that is designed to remember and celebrate the art of one of the purest talents in the history of jazz.
Enrico Pieranunzi
Diese CD hat für mich eine ganz besondere Bedeutung. Die Erinnerung an Chet führt mich zurück ins Jahr 1979, als ich ihn zum ersten Mal traf. Diese Begegnung sollte sich bald als ein Wendepunkt in meinem musikalischen Leben erweisen. Das gemeinsame Spielen, die gemeinsamen Konzerte und Aufnahmesessions mit ihm ermöglichten mir einen engen Kontakt zu einem Künstler mit seltener Jazzerfahrung, der eine enorme Veränderung in meinem Spiel bewirkte. Viele der Stücke auf dieser CD stammen aus diesen wichtigen Jahren der Zusammenarbeit. Darunter sind Soft Journey, Fairy Flowers und Brown Cat Dance, die ich eigens für Chet komponiert habe und die, wie auch Night bird, auf Soft Journey" enthalten sind, das Ende 1979, kurz nach unserem ersten Treffen, aufgenommen wurde. Das Eröffnungsstück From E. to C. ist, wie der Titel schon andeutet, eine Widmung an Chet und stammt ebenfalls aus der ersten Zeit unserer Zusammenarbeit, während Echoes später, 1987, als Teil von "Silence", einer CD unter Charlie Hadens Namen, aufgenommen wurde.

Es gibt aber noch viel mehr, was auf dieser CD hervorgehoben werden sollte. Zum Beispiel die Tatsache, dass "Chet Remembered" gemeinsam mit Bert Joris konzipiert und realisiert wurde, einem wunderbaren Trompeter, in dessen Spiel sich deutliche Spuren von Chets Stil finden, die auf sehr persönliche Weise überarbeitet wurden. Obwohl wir unterschiedliche Instrumente spielen, kann ich sagen, dass der Einfluss von Chet eine Art stilistische "Bruderschaft" in unserer Herangehensweise an die Improvisation bestimmt hat, eine Affinität, die eines der charakteristischen Elemente dieser CD ist. Die doppelte Rolle, die Bert auf dieser CD spielt, muss ebenfalls hervorgehoben werden. Bert Joris ist nicht nur ein großartiger Trompeter, sondern er ist auch ein hervorragender Arrangeur. Seine Fähigkeit, mit den melodischen Zellen der Stücke zu arbeiten und sie zur Grundlage für unvorhersehbare melodisch-rhythmische Entwicklungen zu machen, ist fantastisch. Und ich finde seine Fähigkeit, die Farbpalette der Big Band voll auszuschöpfen, sehr beeindruckend. Unter den zahllosen hervorragenden Beispielen für letztere Qualität möchte ich hier die Harmonisierung und Orchestrierung des Solos auf Soft Journey hervorheben, das Chet auf dem gleichnamigen Album von 1979 improvisierte (Track 4, zwischen 2'03" und 3'43"). Ein typisches, wunderbar melodisches Chet-Solo, das ich persönlich ein paar Stunden, nachdem Chet es improvisiert und aufgenommen hatte, transkribiert habe. Nach so vielen Jahren ist es so schön, dieses Solo hier in der üppigen, raffinierten Big-Band-Version zu hören, die von Bert eingerichtet wurde. Auf jeden Fall eine schöne Art und Weise, sich an Chets Improvisationskunst zu erinnern und sie zu ehren.

Natürlich hätte diese Hommage an unseren gemeinsamen Mentor nicht so kreativ und wirkungsvoll umgesetzt werden können ohne den Beitrag der großartigen HR Big Band und ihrer Musiker, denen ich an dieser Stelle meinen aufrichtigen Dank aussprechen möchte. Die Tage, die ich mit ihnen in den Frankfurter Studios bei den Aufnahmen zu dieser CD verbracht habe, waren sehr angenehm und voller spannender musikalischer Momente.

Ein abschließender besonderer Dank geht an Challenge für die enthusiastische Annahme der Veröffentlichung dieses Projekts, mit dem die Kunst eines der reinsten Talente in der Geschichte des Jazz erinnert und gefeiert werden soll.
Enrico Pieranunzi


Enrico Pieranunzi (piano)

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014...

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014 as “Best International Keyboard Artist”. Pieranunzi has performed his music all over the world in the most prestigious international festivals, from Montréal to Copenhagen and Buenos Aires, from Berlin and Madrid to Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and Beijing. For the past ten years, he has been playing more and more in the USA, and has taken part in the San Francisco and Spoleto (Charleston, South Carolina) festivals. He has also been regularly featured in the most important New York clubs, especially the Village Vanguard, where in July 2010 he recorded the album Live at the Village Vanguard with Marc Johnson and Paul Motian. This is the first album ever recorded by an Italian musician (and one of the very few by European musicians) in the legendary diamond shaped 7th Avenue venue. A second Live at the Village Vanguard, recorded in 2015 with Donny McCaslin, Scott Colley and Clarence Penn, will be released at the end of 2016. Enrico Pieranunzi has composed over 300 pieces, many of which have become standards performed and recorded by musicians all over the world (Night Bird, Don’t Forget the Poet, Fellini’s Waltz).

Pieranunzi can swing – crisply and surely. But in those tempos, he remains his lyrical self. His music sings” (Nat Hentoff, 1990)

Enrico Pieranunzi breathes new life into contemporary jazz” (Ray Spencer, Jazz Journal International, 1992)

Remember the name, me, get lost in the music” (Josef Woodard, Jazz Times, 2000)


Bert Joris (trumpet)

Frankfurt Radio Big Band

The Frankfurt Radio Big Band unites seventeen outstanding musicians who not only enjoy a high reputation as soloists. Daily rehearsals and concerts, as well as the highest artistic standards, form an ensemble that can meet any challenge with ease. The Frankfurt Radio Big Band regularly explores the possibilities of a contemporary jazz orchestra and transcends stylistic boundaries - for example, when it develops new projects together with Mongolian or North African musicians, with pop stars or with renowned composers of new music. At the same time, beyond any museality, it keeps the great tradition of big band jazz alive with programs ranging from Jelly Roll Morton to Duke Ellington and Gil Evans to Peter Herbolzheimer. Top-class guests The Frankfurt Radio Big Band...

The Frankfurt Radio Big Band unites seventeen outstanding musicians who not only enjoy a high reputation as soloists. Daily rehearsals and concerts, as well as the highest artistic standards, form an ensemble that can meet any challenge with ease. The Frankfurt Radio Big Band regularly explores the possibilities of a contemporary jazz orchestra and transcends stylistic boundaries - for example, when it develops new projects together with Mongolian or North African musicians, with pop stars or with renowned composers of new music. At the same time, beyond any museality, it keeps the great tradition of big band jazz alive with programs ranging from Jelly Roll Morton to Duke Ellington and Gil Evans to Peter Herbolzheimer.

Top-class guests

The Frankfurt Radio Big Band has invited and continues to invite greats from the international jazz scene to Hessen to bring their music to the stage in big band format. For almost all projects, the music is newly arranged or composed. To this end, the Frankfurt Radio Big Band works with a number of top-class arrangers and conductors - first and foremost with its Composer in Residence Jim McNeely, whose arrangements have repeatedly earned the highest praise from musicians, critics and audiences alike.

Promoting young talent

In order to pass on the flame of big band jazz, the Frankfurt Radio Big Band is committed to supporting young musicians. Numerous offers provide young people with intensive, up-close musical experiences and motivate young musicians to be active themselves.

With diverse concert programs performed at the highest level, the Frankfurt Radio Big Band appeals to listeners with a wide range of preferences. All concert projects are recorded for radio or released on CDs.



Enrico Pieranunzi (piano)

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014...

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014 as “Best International Keyboard Artist”. Pieranunzi has performed his music all over the world in the most prestigious international festivals, from Montréal to Copenhagen and Buenos Aires, from Berlin and Madrid to Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and Beijing. For the past ten years, he has been playing more and more in the USA, and has taken part in the San Francisco and Spoleto (Charleston, South Carolina) festivals. He has also been regularly featured in the most important New York clubs, especially the Village Vanguard, where in July 2010 he recorded the album Live at the Village Vanguard with Marc Johnson and Paul Motian. This is the first album ever recorded by an Italian musician (and one of the very few by European musicians) in the legendary diamond shaped 7th Avenue venue. A second Live at the Village Vanguard, recorded in 2015 with Donny McCaslin, Scott Colley and Clarence Penn, will be released at the end of 2016. Enrico Pieranunzi has composed over 300 pieces, many of which have become standards performed and recorded by musicians all over the world (Night Bird, Don’t Forget the Poet, Fellini’s Waltz).

Pieranunzi can swing – crisply and surely. But in those tempos, he remains his lyrical self. His music sings” (Nat Hentoff, 1990)

Enrico Pieranunzi breathes new life into contemporary jazz” (Ray Spencer, Jazz Journal International, 1992)

Remember the name, me, get lost in the music” (Josef Woodard, Jazz Times, 2000)



... An appropriate, grandiose bow.
Jazzthing, 24-5-2023

The collaboration is a powerful statement, all Pieranunzi originals highlighted with spirited arrangements that bring memories of the legendary trumpeter.
O's Place Jazz Magazine, 01-12-2023

... a dedication of high class musicians, with first class compositions and level performance of this...
Musikansich, 02-9-2023

Jazz as jazz is meant to be, that radiates from 'Chet Remembered' and proves the class of two lyrical kindred spirits, Enrico Pieranunzi and Bert Joris, who, with the enthusiasm of the Frankfurt Radio Big Band (hr-Bigband), invite to a sensitive and passionately substantiated homage to Chet Baker. For true jazz music lovers!
Jazzhalo, 16-8-2023

... Bert Joris is himself in the Baker tradition, especially in the clarity of his playing with a warm, lyrical tone. He also acts as arranger here, and his ability to fully exploit the big band's color palette is impressive...
Concerto, 01-8-2023

... The melancholic undertone of the great trumpet smolderer (Bert Joris) is always present. Pieranunzi takes the opportunity to present himself as the melodically strong and inventive improviser on the grand piano that we know him as...
Jazzpodium, 01-8-2023

Among the most impressive songs on this album I definitely count "Chet" with great solos by Bert and Enrico, but also by bassist Hans Glawischig, a wonderful piece of music and therefore a fantastic tribute to Chet. Another highlight is “Night Bird” partly due to the great solo of alto saxophonist Heinz-Dieter Sauerborn and trombonist Christian Jaksjö, the big band really shines here.
Rootstime, 01-8-2023

A top-class affair celebrating Baker, one of the purest talents in jazz.
Presto Music, 21-7-2023

There are numerous examples of great playing from the band, especially the trumpet section. You get the impression that this band could play anything put in front of them. 
Jazz Views, 20-7-2023

Pieranunzi first met the charismatic Chet Baker in the late-1970s and compositions here he ''composed expressly for Chet'' are on this likeable album that encourages a trip down memory lane but isn't so stuck in the past as that rummaging into jazz history might indicate.
Marlbank, 04-7-2023

... Jazz as jazz is meant to be, that radiates from 'Chet Remembered' and proves the class of two lyrical kindred spirits, Enrico Pieranunzi and Bert Joris, who, with the enthusiasm of the Frankfurt Radio Big Band (hr-Bigband), invite you to a delicately and passionately grounded tribute to Chet Baker. For true jazz melomaniacs!
jazzhalo, 29-6-2023

Pieranunzi went into some detail about which things, precisely, he had learnt from Baker. Economy of notes and an emphasis on melody were, unsurprisingly, chief among them. Both those qualities are to the fore in Pieranunzi's playing on Chet Remembered, and they are also key to the success of Joris' arrangements.
All About Jazz, 23-6-2023

... Recorded with the Frankfurt Radio Big Band, Chet Remembered has become a worthy and very beautiful tribute to a legend.
virgin jazzface, 21-6-2023

The individual solos, the quality of the compositions, the beauty of the arrangements, the sound of the big band, all that contributes to make this album one of those we will listen to often, in the evening at home, on a comfortable sofa and with dim lighting…
Le Soir, 14-6-2023

This CD has a very special meaning for me. Remembering Chet takes me back to 1979 when I first met him. That meeting would soon prove to be a turning point in my musical life. Playing together, sharing concerts or recording sessions with him allowed me to be in close contact with an artist of rare jazz experience who caused an enormous change in my playing. —Enrico Pieranunzi
All About Jazz, 09-6-2023

... The only thing that really fascinates is the flawlessness of Enrico Pieranunzi's excellent solo parts.
jazzfun, 09-6-2023

... Supported by the Frankfurt Radio Big Band here's 9 times finest big band sounds with an excellent pianist and an outstanding trumpeter.
NaDann, 07-6-2023

... Jazz as jazz is meant to be, that radiates from 'Chet Remembered'
jazzhalo, 03-6-2023

The fire beneath the worship of the doomed trumpeter/singer is still kept burning. By colleagues who carry him in their hearts but sometimes also because you can never go wrong with such a tribute. This album by pianist Pieranunzi and trumpeter Bert Joris falls into the first category.
Jazzism, 01-6-2023

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